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Estate planning is not just making a will. While everyone should have a last will and testament, the estate planning process involves so much more. At The Ritchie Law Group, we can assist you with every step of the process, from learning about the needs of you and your family, to helping you minimize potential tax liabilities and avoid potential litigation over your estate.
Many people avoid estate planning because they think it is unnecessary or unhelpful for their situation. Estate planning is not about how much money you have today. It is about preparing for what may happen next week, next month, or even five years from now. Our experienced estate planning team can help you make sure that your family is taken care of if something unexpected happens to you.
For example, what happens if you are seriously injured in an accident and unable to meaningfully express your wishes regarding health care? A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care authorizes someone you trust to make those decisions on your behalf. You can also incorporate a Living Will that instructs your doctors on what to do in the event of a terminal illness, i.e. whether to use “life-prolonging” measures.
Similarly, a general Durable Power of Attorney allows you to name an agent to manage your financial affairs while you are incapacitated. Having such a document is especially important if you are concerned that unscrupulous relatives may try and manipulate you financially in the event of a medical emergency. Proper estate planning offers protection against such potential abuse.
Even if you already have a will and powers of attorney, it is important to take stock of your situation every few years–and definitely after a major life-changing event, such as a divorce or a death in the family. The Ritchie Law Group can review your existing estate plan and identify areas where you need to make changes. Remember, estate planning is not something you do once and then forget about, it is an ongoing process that will grow and change with you.
You may already be familiar with the term “probate” – the legal proceedings that involve transferring someone’s assets after they die. What you may not realize is that the probate process can be confusing, lengthy, and, in many cases, quite costly. Proper estate planning can effectively address the problems that often arise from probate, so that you can pass your estate on to your heirs without going through the probate process.
The Missouri probate and estate planning attorneys at The Ritchie Law Group have been serving Missouri families for more than 60 years combined. We skillfully design estate plans tailored to your specific needs and when necessary, guide you confidently through the probate process.
No one wants their life savings and prized possessions to be tangled up in the probate court for years after their death. By designing an estate plan that specifically addresses your needs and objectives, you can ensure that your loved ones are taken care of after your death. At RThe Ritchie Law Group, our skilled estate planning attorneys work with you to design an estate plan that meets your long-term objectives.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call us at our St. Joseph office at 816-387-8200; or our Platte city office at 816-219-2577.